A garden instead of a shit pit.
I'll make no apologies for swearing, just calling it out for what it was.
There literally is no other description for it.
That's the shitty shed after I took a crowbar and sledge hammer to it.
The garden has taken a lot of hard graft, done weekends and evenings.
Literally getting home from work; seeing the kiddos to bed before burning as much of the shed as I could.
What was too much to burn went to recycling.
The fencing was pressure washed then given 2 coats of stain, new and old look the same and it is just so much tidier!
The hubby put up the little shed on the pallet base I created and will you just look at the difference now!
A retaining wall needs putting up then I can get the pebbles in there and the pallet seating to finish it off.
Already the garden has new life
It makes me so happy because...
it makes the kiddos happy
We all spend time there now, chilling in our own little ways.
The largest of the cable reels is now a pretty pink, I'm not a pretty pink person but this works just right for me
And as I'm no longer embarrassed by the state of it all we've had a few lovely lil family BBQs
Which have lasted till the stars came out
All done so far on the tightest budget!
I have waited literally years for the garden to get to this point, it's not finished by a long shot, it quite probably will take till next summer to do the bones of it.
There will definitely be a lot more hard work,
(doing the cruddy labouring saves a fortune!)
So while I get to saving for the next stage...
turns Cava with strawberries is one of the nicest drinks